Watch Me Make A Baby Kina Sea Urchin Necklace

Watch Me Make A Baby Kina Sea Urchin Necklace

Hello Shell-o! Here's a condensed verysion of my creative process of making a baby kina sea urchin necklace. From the beach... to your body!

Many customers have asked if the kina shell will break when worn, as they are naturally fragile (I've broken a few myself during production!).

The secret to durability is filling the shell with a hardening glaze followed by resin, making it solid as a rock when I scrape off the spikes.

Then I handsculpt the back with my beachsand putty clay to give that beach vibe.

Given the overabundance of kina, which are damaging reefs due to dwindling fish numbers. While I beachcombed this kina, I've asked diver friend to help collect these spiky creatures. I know it is not a lot, but I guess this is my way of helping the environmental problem...

I'll be releasing a few kina shell necklaces this Thursday, so be sure to check your inbox early! I'll be releasing a few kina shell necklaces this Thursday, so if you are my VIP be sure to check your inbox early!

Shell ya later,

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